Sunday, May 9, 2010

The ending

Alexander Graham Bell Died in 1922 at the age of 75 in Canada due to diabetes


After all my inventions there is a legacy that I hope to leave behind. I don't want to be know as some crazy old man that was obsessed with the idea of perfection. I don't want to be known as a man that copied off of the work of others. What I do plan to leave behind is the idea that no matter how uneducated most think you are you can still achieve greatness. I hope that my success will serve as a beacon of hope that nothing in impossible or unattainable. I have worked long and hard to achieve what I have and others may think differently but that is unimportant to me. I hope that you all realize that my perseverance was the reason to my success. No one can tell me differently,one more thing I want people to know about me is that I was not rich growing up I didn't have an influentially well known family. My mother and wife are both deaf and because of that I have received an amount of compassion that can't be taught in a classroom. I had two hard working parents that didn't hand everything to me on a silver platter. I created opportunity's for my self and did my best I everything I tried. So I hope that legacy is more than a few silly inventions I hope it's greater than a theory or idea that I created. I hope my legacy is how you can come from nothing and make something.


After being an apprentice to Thomas Edison I have learned allot. I have seen first hand how he created his inventions. After his invention of the phonophone I decided to invent the graphophone, the goal was to record and reproduce sound. My partner was Charles Tainter who helped me immensely on this project. We were at a crunch for time because there were so many other scientist at the time wanting to create inventions. But sadly our work was interrupted by the shooting at president Garfield. All of our hard work was in vain because Emilie Berliner got ownership rights before we did in 1887. All though I can not call this invention my own I still look at it that way. I am extremely proud of our hard work and hope to move on to bigger and better things

Saturday, May 8, 2010

improving edison

As most know Thomas Edison was responsible for the invention of the phonograph. Edison is a man that I have a great amount of respect for. His invention is marvelous but I did find a little room for improvement. After being awarded money from France for my invention of the telephone I decided to put the money to good use and work on the photograph, the phonograph allowed me to transmit the first wireless telephone message which was on June 3 1880. This invention sounds wonderful but it does has it's faults. It can't go beyond 100 yards and the clouds interfere with the signal it receives from the light beam. Then again I am my worst critic I
just wish it was perfect. I still will continue to experiment and create the next one hit wonder.

A try at fight

Since the break through of my invention I have had more ideas. Such as the idea of flying, a great concept that is difficult to achieve. After the wright brothers had there successful run at kitty hawk I tried to see if there was room for improvement. I tested different types of propellers and tried to break apart each aspect of the plane. I am so interested on the topic of aerodynamics and want to continue in that field of research. I have also recently started the Aerial experiment association with some of my colleagues, Glenn Curtiss, William Baldwin, Thomas Selfridge, and J.A.D McCurdy. Our goal was to create airborne vehicles and we were success full! It's 1909 and we have produced four powered aircraft and America is raving about them. I plan to continue this study and create even more brilliant inventions.


Well I was expecting that sooner or later something bad was going to happen. Go ahead call me a pessimist but no amount of happiness last forever. It all started in 1881, I was inventing an electromagnetic device, induction balance to detect the bullet that was shot at president Garfield. I was so happy that maybe I had invented another useful device, then my wife told me we going to be parents. I was elated until our newborn son died to respiratory problems. We were devastated and I never thought I could get over it. But sometimes with sadness comes inspiration and I designed a metal vacuum jacket that helps with breathing. If only this was invented when my son was alive. At times I blame myself but I must look past that and just hope that maybe my invention will help another child. But again this just proves that no amount of success or happiness can replace the life of a child.

My Sucess is growing

My invention has been more success full than I could ever imagine. I just formed the Bell telephone company and on top of that I got married to the love of my life Mabel Hubbard. I now know that I will be finacially set for the rest of my life, and who would have thought that in 1917 nearly the whole united states has telephone service. Even though all of this has happened I will not let it get to my head. I just opened a school in Boston for teachers that want to teach the deaf. This would have made my mother very happy, and my two brothers that died of tuberculous. There are still many inventions that I want to try out and honestly I don't care if they turn out o be failures. I have always believed that failure is good for character and mistakes create better ideas and I'm not a perfect man no one is. Being perfect is too ordinary it is what everyone strives to be and most give up when they don't achieve perfection. Well not me and I will continue to fail , make mistake, and continue my success.


Here's one of my many sketches for the telephone


Supposedly there is a bit speculation on who invented the telephone first. There is a fellow named Elisha Gray saying that he had invented the telephone first, but that he got to the patent office and hour after I had. That is not my fault that I am a punctual person. Regardless of what others say I stand by invention, my father would always say never be ashamed of your success. My parents, Eliza Symonds and Alexander Meliville are the main source of my inspiration. Event thought my mother is deaf that never stopped her from going after what she wanted. She paint and is a musician and as for my father was mother was an even greater inspiration for him. He now teaches the deaf and I plan to follow in his footsteps. Most people say that how can uneducated man educate. Even though I only attended school for five years I still was eager to learn. I spent most of my days in my grandfather library reading every book event the ones I didn't understand. One subject though that has always intrigued me is science. I think my knowledge from science is the fundamentals to all of my experiments. Even though some choose not to credit me for my invention it will not stop me to create bigger and better things, who knows what will be next

Is this really happening

Talk about getting lucky, I don't believe that there could be a luckier guy out there than me. I believe that just maybe I have invented the most successful brilliant device, it's difficult to explain, I call it a telephone. It's a device that is able to transmit the human voice I believe that my invention will start a entire new epidemic for messaging. This device works instantaneously no more carrier pigeons. Last week it was business as usual and my associate James Watson was twiddling around with some wires. Out of no where I hear a metal reed making this peculiar noise and BAM! a light switched off in my head. I was so excited I could hardly contain myself, I had to get to work immediately. All these sketches came to me and now I have invented something so useful yet practical. After weeks of work it was done and I rushed over to the patent office to get ownership claims on my invention. After filling the paperwork it was official I
Alexander Graham Bell had an invention to call my own the telephone.