Saturday, May 8, 2010


Supposedly there is a bit speculation on who invented the telephone first. There is a fellow named Elisha Gray saying that he had invented the telephone first, but that he got to the patent office and hour after I had. That is not my fault that I am a punctual person. Regardless of what others say I stand by invention, my father would always say never be ashamed of your success. My parents, Eliza Symonds and Alexander Meliville are the main source of my inspiration. Event thought my mother is deaf that never stopped her from going after what she wanted. She paint and is a musician and as for my father was mother was an even greater inspiration for him. He now teaches the deaf and I plan to follow in his footsteps. Most people say that how can uneducated man educate. Even though I only attended school for five years I still was eager to learn. I spent most of my days in my grandfather library reading every book event the ones I didn't understand. One subject though that has always intrigued me is science. I think my knowledge from science is the fundamentals to all of my experiments. Even though some choose not to credit me for my invention it will not stop me to create bigger and better things, who knows what will be next

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